Pepper Art Co.
Alongside my work as a content designer, I am an illustrator and community art facilitator in my spare time. Feel free to view some of my work below.
Pepper Art Co. workshops are opportunities for communities to get involved in creating all different forms of art. Workshops encourage socialising and creativity in an open and relaxed environment. To find out more email samxwatson[@]
View more of my illustrations on Instagram or on my Sketch Trails.
Community art experience
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre November 2021 to present
Art facilitator
Art club for people with learning disabilities and other special needs
Co-operation East London (CEL) August 2020 to present
Facilitator and organiser
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre July 2020 to November 2021
Art facilitator
Online art club for over 50s and seniors
Newham Show – Rosetta Arts Studio Jul 2019
Assisted the delivery of the ‘Dotty Explosion’ installation workshop
Riot Soup exhibition: The Unseen and Unspoken Residency Mar 2019
Co-organiser and artist exhibitor for three-day exhibition promoting female artists of colour
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre Mar 2018
Art facilitator
International Women's Day - vision board
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre Nov 2017
Art facilitator
Art project launch
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre Aug 2017
Art facilitator
Delivered taster art workshops to children during the summer play scheme
Shuffle Festival Aug 2017
Led live community art installation on the power of words for a two-day festival
Rosetta Arts Studio Jul 2017
Assisted in a workshop to help engage residents in the creation of the public art and sculpture for the A13 underpass that connects Wharfside Road to the ecology park
Art workshop: Mobile Garden City July 2017
Delivered workshops on woven charms and flower hammering
Member of Urban Sketchers 2012 to present
A collective where we sketch on location to draw people, places and movement
Delivered blog workshops 2012 to 2013
Ran workshops as a consultant through Words of Colour Productions to communities on how to setup and run a blog
Committee member for Art on the Rails installation 2012
Oversaw the management of an art installation for part of the London 2012 Olympics
Art facilitator (Artlympics) London 2012 Olympics 2012
Ran a range of art activities for communities at Royal Docks Community School and the Newham Mayors Show
Delivering community art workshops (Rosetta Art Studio)
Art facilitator course (Rosetta Art Studio)
Expressive landscape drawing
Painting course (watercolour and acrylic)
Art facilitator
Art club for people with learning disabilities and other special needs
Co-operation East London (CEL) August 2020 to present
Facilitator and organiser
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre July 2020 to November 2021
Art facilitator
Online art club for over 50s and seniors
Newham Show – Rosetta Arts Studio Jul 2019
Assisted the delivery of the ‘Dotty Explosion’ installation workshop
Riot Soup exhibition: The Unseen and Unspoken Residency Mar 2019
Co-organiser and artist exhibitor for three-day exhibition promoting female artists of colour
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre Mar 2018
Art facilitator
International Women's Day - vision board
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre Nov 2017
Art facilitator
Art project launch
Royal Docklands Learning and Activity Centre Aug 2017
Art facilitator
Delivered taster art workshops to children during the summer play scheme
Shuffle Festival Aug 2017
Led live community art installation on the power of words for a two-day festival
Rosetta Arts Studio Jul 2017
Assisted in a workshop to help engage residents in the creation of the public art and sculpture for the A13 underpass that connects Wharfside Road to the ecology park
Art workshop: Mobile Garden City July 2017
Delivered workshops on woven charms and flower hammering
Member of Urban Sketchers 2012 to present
A collective where we sketch on location to draw people, places and movement
Delivered blog workshops 2012 to 2013
Ran workshops as a consultant through Words of Colour Productions to communities on how to setup and run a blog
Committee member for Art on the Rails installation 2012
Oversaw the management of an art installation for part of the London 2012 Olympics
Art facilitator (Artlympics) London 2012 Olympics 2012
Ran a range of art activities for communities at Royal Docks Community School and the Newham Mayors Show
Delivering community art workshops (Rosetta Art Studio)
Art facilitator course (Rosetta Art Studio)
Expressive landscape drawing
Painting course (watercolour and acrylic)